The efforts of Exeter Forum’s volunteer knitters resulted in a collection of over 30 woollen hats, and on Friday December 9th representatives of the Exeter Forum met with members of the R D & E’s Emergency Department to hand the hats over. The Exeter Forum was represented by Zena Worters and Peter Burden; the Emergency Department by Dr Gavin Lloyd, Consultant Emergency Physician, Senior Nurse Caroline Dowse, the hospital's Communications Officer Gwen Park, and a number of other staff members. The staff of the Emergency Department were genuinely grateful for the donation.
Many of Forum's lady members can knit (and possibly one or two gentlemen also), and in the year or so prior to last March these members knitted a large number of twiddlemuffs. The last batch of these was presented to the R D & E's A & E Department in March. Since then, and at the request of the A & E Department, a number of members have been knitting woollen hats. These are needed to help patients brought in by the ambulance crews when in the initial stages of hypothermia, as often happens during the winter months. For patients suffering in this way a woollen hat can make a big difference to their chances of survival.
The efforts of Exeter Forum’s volunteer knitters resulted in a collection of over 30 woollen hats, and on Friday December 9th representatives of the Exeter Forum met with members of the R D & E’s Emergency Department to hand the hats over. The Exeter Forum was represented by Zena Worters and Peter Burden; the Emergency Department by Dr Gavin Lloyd, Consultant Emergency Physician, Senior Nurse Caroline Dowse, the hospital's Communications Officer Gwen Park, and a number of other staff members. The staff of the Emergency Department were genuinely grateful for the donation.
June 2024