Firstly, a virtual meeting of the committee was attempted. This was successful in getting most members up to speed with Zoom. There then followed an informal session for all interested members, the main purpose of which was to help members familiarise themselves with Zoom's idiosyncrasies.
Subsequently, on 25th November, we held the first meeting of Exeter Forum by Zoom that included a talk. In all some 30 members participated. The first 15 mins was devoted to ensuring that all could view the meeting and that they could be heard.
Chairman David Oates then presented a talk on "Land of Lakes and
Leprechauns: the Hidden Secrets of South West Ireland". This lasted for 45 mins after which there was a 15 min Q & A session. In addition to showing the natural beauty of this secluded and mysterious part of Ireland, David included details of some of the interesting places and artefacts in this area, and retold some of the background stories.
The morning's interaction was brought to an end by an informal discussion on general Forum matters for about half an hour. Unlike meetings at the Mint we do not have to finish Zoom meetings by a set time and so have more flexibility to allow for general discussions and comment besides the main topic of the morning.
More Zoom meetings will follow.